
Comments (16)

What do you think?

Thanks a lot for a great game! :D

Hey Turnvex maybe a free copy for my birthday on Oct.27th?? ;P

Check out my playthrough on Youtube! Solid game, extra creepy and surprisingly somber...

any games coming anytime soon?

Within Skerry Steam page is now live! feel free to check it out! Are you ready for my scariest game to date?

Also feel free to give me a like on Facebook for updates, future games and more!

My main project, developed after gathering as much information as possible from this entire community on my previous project, Minds Eyes. As promised, this game will provide many improvements, additions, and interactions. Please note that the trailer and pictures above are not final representations of the game! but rather work in progress.

A Girls Fabric face is told after a brutal murder has taken place. Four young girls have been brutally murdered in a home in the north east fields, deserted from all others. Your name is Anna, you are a fifteen year old girl who has a passion for video. You thrive to record the next best thing; but could this unknown home be the end of all these desires? Upon entering the home, you discover many paranormal activities, to soon discover that this is the very home where the four murders has taken place. You venture forward, gathering as much information to later discover a devastating truth. Are things really the way they seem? Or is there something hidden deeper between all of these events?

A girls fabric face is filled with many puzzles, all of which will provide a different ending, different paranormal encounters, and ultimately a different experience. The more paranormal recordings you possess, the more events will trigger.

As many of you have already suggested; yes, This game will include multiple endings; one of which you are guided towards, and the following two requiring very in depth play gameplays in order to uncover all of the little details.
I will do my very best to include achievements; but at this point in time, I am not 100% certain how to add them.

Ultimately, If you have played Minds Eyes, you will notice a drastic change here; full of extremely immersive suspense, and a very chilling story which will keep you paranoid throughout the entire journey!

Regards, Stan.T
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#adventure #horror

Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Use
Mild Language

Super happy to announce that Within Skerry's Steam page is now live. Are you ready for my scariest game yet?

Official Release is February 08, 2022.

Cheers, everyone and happy gaming :)

Youtube gameplay - A Girls Fabric Face

A Girls Fabric Face version 2

A Girls Fabric Face page is here!

Greenlight has been successful!!