3 days ago

infopost — Big Cheese


SOMEWHAT designed by me , though his original design is from ToonTown

dialogue written by ME

although he is an original character from The Normal Elevator and ToonTown, these are just headcanons we added to him in this ,, (and with some inspirations from toontown)

  • he can be found in the cog building floor

  • he really likes cheese puns

  • hes really strong

  • he is always in a rush, mostly bc he has work to do

  • he is aggressive to everyone in the elevator and mostly dislikes everyone there

Next up

iz dis john dolmayan

just some extra funfacts that id like 2 share abt sum of teh npcz [ not exactly an infopost liek usual but wutever ]

image 1 - ?

image 2 - arrow

image 3 - sadie

infopost — Vio


i cant mention anything abt primadonna anymore bc fughoe will refwrence this video I HATE YOU BRO /silly

some new floors! (not all are shown here) Also moved coins to the top right instead of the bottom right so that jumping is easier on mobile!

no new npcs yet but likely more soon!


infopost — ?


infopost — arrow


infopost — sadie


