1 year ago

in the same day i posted Phase 1 MickMick here, i had to draw Phase 2 of her (a neurotic need to complete a duo or something)


Next up

the cabin kids are a surprise

turned the style more vintage along with a more convenient way of drawing the comic.

not promising any more comics. i'll do it if i feel it tbh

and a happy fnatigiving

"You ingrates!"

Does anyone else remember this version? No?... We made a sticker pack for it anyway! Celebrate June by collecting stickers of the FNaTI 5.0 models! Get them before the month ends...

Light FNaS? don't mind if i do

I learned how to color!

recently read Mickey Mouse: Zombie Coffee and i liked its style. so... i wanted to capture its style.

fnas?? there's never been any fnas! fnas is just a myth!!

Small Update (06/29/2024) we forgot them

thought to be fun to draw some fnaf1 designs based on extreme shadows. i can't for the life of me design endoskeletons though, so ignore that one in Freddy's image. imagine someone ate it up before you saw it

