
Comments (193)

What do you think?

This is a cool mod! I can really tell a lot of passion was put into this! :D

Really cool mod! It fits Sonic so well!

Just wanna add there's a bug where the crash screen appears if you pause, as well as continues to play the song instrumental after being sent back to the main menu.

Other then that, this really does fit Sonic! Loved it!


This is a great sonic mod!

Here's a tip for people that involves a spoiler lmao

If you want to reset to RodentRap (instead of Sonic Legacy), just go into options, and select reset. Then just push 1 or 3 and the game will close, and when you reopen it it'll be RodentRap

EDIT: this won't reset your scores, just progression (option 1 at least, I haven't tried option 3)

Hope this helps

(sorry there's something in my eye)

this looks like this has more care put into it like every shat out exe mod which is nothing but freakishly long songs and a mischaracterized Bf though the main problems with exe mods is the fact that the community can't stop just shitting them out

Mod is done!!!

GO PLAY IT!!!!!.

It focuses on Sonic the Hedgehog and some of his friends and foes.

Hope you can keep up!



#fnf #sonic

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Crass Humor
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