
Comments (67)

What do you think?

The GOAT is back at it again with PEAK


jesus christ luigi took it really personal

When OST? The Music's Fire

This was a nice remake! I can appreciate where the boss battles were going with a bit of challenge - though it was a bit much for my liking, particularly with the RNG of the Podobos and Luigi's fire attack, but otherwise it was fairly satisfying to beat it!

Also - for the sake of feedback, I should mention that there are a few lil bugs here and there. In the starting room and green room there is a softlock by going to the left. It's not as much of a problem given the major areas (i.e. the boss fight and secret area) don't have this issue, but I figured I'd bring it up, unless it was intentional in which case... am confusion. Also, when crouching, Mario can still move left and right, and spin jumping keeps him in his crouch pose. Just a silly thing I noticed x3

But otherwise, wonderful job! :D

fuck all is too good, BUT THE BATTLE IS THE MOST UNBALANCED THING I EVER SEEN the battle with just luigi has many bugs and its hard and if you win follow the second phase is okay but if you lost you have to do ALL AGAIN? why he didnt put me in the second phase already wtfff


MARIO WORLD: IGNITED HATRED is a fan-game made by VibingLeaf, with the help of thecheesepantz for the soundtrack, and with the help of Caramiliaz for the voice acting (Luigi),

This is a reimagining (Or a Re-Take) of the creepypasta "I HATE YOU" by Slimebeast, which takes place in Super Mario World, you can read it for yourself but for what it is, it's a trollpasta,

IGNITED HATRED isn't meant to be taken seriously but more of a love letter to the original creepypasta for the fun memories it brought to me! it is an adaptation inspired by the other game adaptations, obviously with changes.

For how I feel about it, I am actually proud of it for how I pulled off a game like this, I've built it all from the ground up (coding was entirely by me), sure it was difficult but it was fun! :D

I am happy with it, and I hope you are happy with it too #fangame #horror

Intense Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore


- Slowed down fire projectiles and its launches

- Phase 2 now has you heal every 5 seconds

- You can now spin jump on Fire Bubble

- Red path update (Go to the left after talking to Luigi)

Hey if you want to listen to the soundtrack, here's that! :D

Worked by me and thecheesepantz!

Ignited Hatred OST: LUIGI (Phase 1 & 2)
Beta version: Video: Game: