[Cancelled] Undertale: The Otherground
7 years ago

Happy New Year (For Most!)

Though it’s still New Year’s Eve where I’m at, the team and I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! Remember when I said we didn’t have anything able to be shown for the Christmas devlog? Well, I had forgotten the new Save Star animation! Have a look!


(Sprite and Animation by me, MHT)

That’s about it, for in-game content, but just recently before writing this, we got a new year-themed art submission from CactusFries on Discord! Thank you, it’s really cute!


One last thing. I just now realized that I hadn’t told you guys this all this time, despite it being a thing f o r e v e r now, so I’m going to tell you now! It’s been causing a little confusion lately, so this explanation will definitely provide to be useful. Demolitale is not just one game. It’s a trilogy of games, but keep in mind that none have a sequel (except Brown, but that’s because it’s a prequel and technically the original game is the sequel). Here’s the list:

  • Demolitale (Original), created and directed by MyHiddenThomas (MHT) - You most-likely don’t need an explanation since you’re already here.

  • Demolitale: The Otherground, created with inspiration directed by Ethan Harper - Ever wondered who the Determined human is, since Frisk doesn’t exist? Well, this game tells you just that! In Demolitale: The Otherground, you follow the tale of Louis (pronounced “loo-ee”): Demolitale’s Determined human. Unlike Renee, who climbs Mount Ebott in search of something, Louis sets sail in the Eimmet Sea, searching for someone he had lost a long time ago. He is swept under the violent, crashing waves, and ends up in a new “monster cache” that we like to call The Otherground. Will he make it out alive? Probably, because you kinda can’t beat Determination, but where’s the thrill in logic? Just go with it. ;)

  • Demolitale Brown, directed by PGCCO / Razzdoor Games - I kinda can’t tell you much about this game. It’s a prequel to some events in Demolitale (Original), so it’s up to you if you wanna click on the game and spoil yourself. Just remember: I warned you.

Did you know all three games share the same Discord server? If you’d like, you can come and join our little community of currently 230 members and chat with us, get early sneak peeks on one or more games, and share your creations! We hope to see you there! Link:

And that’s it! Thanks for following the development of Demolitale! Our programmer has been out of town for a few days, but will return shortly to resume programming. Lately, we’ve been making more plans and content to go into the game; and even Demolitale: The Otherground has been going along smoothly! Again, Happy New Year, everyone. Thanks for following, and I’ll see you next year! nyuk nyuk nyuk
EDIT: Our programmer, PiggyGaming, is now working alongside Demolitale Brown’s Director, PGCCO / Razzdoor Games, on our programming. With this intelligent duo, the game shouldn’t take too much time!


Next up

MICROLOG: A feature we've promised for a while and can finally confirm it coming: ambient creatures! As Louis and friends travel Mongale, there'll be small creatures that will hop, crawl, and fly around in each and every environment. Here's some examples!

workin on some graphics for the channel tabs, that way they look a bit more professional, appealing, and even welcoming

here's a preview of one of them! :^)

MICROLOG: Oops! I forgot to show off the map we devs made, drawn by LukeWarmGuy! This is Mongale Island, AKA what the title is referring to as the "Otherground". This is where the events of the game will unfold. Hope you like it, and huge thanks to Luke!

DEVLOG: Happy late birthday, Undertale! We're going to show off a little something you might have already seen in our Discord, but for those who haven't, we hope you're excited. :^) Take a look below!

Discord Update: I'm on track to getting back in, but Discord keeps passing down the processing job, so it's naturally taking forever. They're doing their job, which is something to celebrate regarding their reputation.

Have some cute art for the server :)

It's been five years; half a decade.

It's late at night as I'm writing this, but I'm still in disbelief that Undertale turned 5 today.

I wished we could've released UTTO today as a gift to Undertale & its fans, but we'll keep working hard until then. :')

so how about a new halloween pfp :^)

also made an upgrade to the background of my default pfp

The creation of this community also brings one last thing: and that's the official preview page of Deltarune: The Rouged Thorn, a potential followup to UTTO.

It's been promptly attached to this community's games section, more info on the page itself.

MICROLOG: Just barely missed our shot. Don't worry, though! Everything except programming is ready to go, aside from a few lines in writing that need fixing and an optional track we wanna add. :^)

We should be able to drop super early in July, I promise!

EVENTLOG: Welcome, Burke Day 2021!

Happy birthday, Sunny & Renee Burke- and happy 4th anniversary to the team! We've come a long way since the reboot about 2 years ago. :^)

In celebration of today, we have a small event going on! Read below for more!

