
Comments (8)

What do you think?

how are you not making sonic bts reprise

omg sonic is a part of bts now (im sorry i just had to make that joke)

how did you get the source?

is this based off of dx? this looks great! please dont cancel this game! i really want to play dx so this could be even better! also, do you know the orig dx executable name? i need it for between the trilogy. Also do you have a dx archive?


Sonic Before the Sequel Aftermath Omega (or, SBTSAO for short) is a conceptial remake of the original game. Made from scratch using the CORE Engine, the intended goal of the game is to make it the true definitive version of BTS Aftermath, while including new features.

(Possible) Full game will include:

  • Multiple playable characters, with their new routes.

  • Improved physics thanks to CORE Engine.

  • Language support.

  • Achievements.

  • And more.


LakeFeperd - Making the original game.

@Nihil777 - CORE Engine.

#fangame #action #adventure #platformer #sonic #bts #beforethesequel #remake #omega #lakefepered #btsaftermath #aftermath

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
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