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i was looking through the games on the site and i did not see anything for mac. could some one tell me if there is any.

about 10 years ago

You can find mac games by selecting 'filter games' and removing 'Windows', 'Linux' and 'Other' options.

about 10 years ago

Well all my games are for both Mac as Windows (take a look) since I am a Mac user myself, but it's true most games here are for Windows (if we don't count the web based games which are OS independent).

If you are strictly searching for downloadable games for Mac you can indeed set the filter and uncheck "Windows", "Linux" and "Other", and maybe all browser-based options as well.

One warning though, there are a lot of Devs here falsely claiming their game works on either Mac or Linux while this is not the case. Maybe they are counting on you to use emulators, virtualizers cut short stuff which may allow you to play Windows games on OS X or Linux, but as we all know that mostly doesn't work so well, though on my Mac I can get games written in RPG maker work on Virtual Box quite well, but still this doesn't count as a Mac download.
Maybe if you find such a game you should try to notify the Dev it doesn't work on Mac and when he/she doesn't respond and correct that, report it to a mod.

over 9 years ago

is there a download option for mac

over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago

five nights at trezr

over 9 years ago

mods for minecarft

gat minecraft go on minecraft.net

over 9 years ago

This thread is about "games for mac" not "Spam for mac". Spamming smileys serves neither goal nor purpose so don't do that!

over 9 years ago

Yeah please don't spam it's not necessary.

about 9 years ago

Where's the "filter" button so I can play games for the mac

about 9 years ago


click the link below and the filter button should be in the top right hand part of the screen.


about 9 years ago

EDIT: The screenshot above is outdated by now! I'll leave it there for nostalgic sake, but the filter now moved somewhere else!

Last modified on December 11, 2015 by Jeroen P. Broks @Tricky

over 8 years ago

I think it's stupid how most of the games are for Windows. What about Mac users who have to always get game from the app store.

over 8 years ago

Well, that is because 80% of the computer users are still on Windows. Why is anybody's guess since it's a rather sucky system that was doomed with instability from the start.

And I boycott the app-store myself actually, yes also for games. I only use the app-store to update MacOS X itself (since that can only be done through the app-store these days). Now I must say I still own a lot of games from the good old DOS era that I play through DOSBox, and I'm actually focussing on Steam, since a lot of games there are Mac compatible.

There are also a few technical issues. Mac has a bundle system and is quite unique in that perspective when it comes to the "big 3" OSes (neither Windows nor Linux use this system. There are some 'smaller' OSes which do though), and a lot of Windows Users do not fully understand that, therefore being unable to distribute a proper Mac build. Furthermore, not everybody is able to deal that Mac being a system in the Unix family and thus requiring the "eXecutable" bit to the application, since Windows does not support that feature at all.

And lastly. If you want GameMaker to be able to make a Mac build (it can) you need to be a developer with a large wallet as that feature is very extremely expensive (which is if you ask me its biggest flaw), and GameMaker is not the only system suffering from that issue. The indie gaming scene would benefit a lot if this was not the case.

But let one thing be clear. Mac users are not solely dependent on the app-store and I basically petition all mac users to boycott the place, as Apple only tries to use it to make us "bow" to their will. Something I refuse to do. Apple may have manufactured my computer, but despite that it's MY computer and I will use it the way I see fit. Not the way Apple sees fit!

over 8 years ago

where is filter games

over 8 years ago
  1. Set your basic filter settings like, OS and stuff

  2. The currently activated filters

  3. And here you can type extra keywords to filter.

over 8 years ago

Actually you need to select a game genre category first ;-)

Though the filter would be nice to have on the frontpage too.

almost 8 years ago
almost 8 years ago

Read my own last point above and you know how.

And let's retire this thread, since it serves no more purpose aside from having a long white beard.