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The contest is over! Great job everyone! You can find the results in the article here.


-- contest poster by KniteBlargh

Game Jolt's fifth contest is now up and running! Don't forget to check the rules and details below, and give it all you've got!

Running Date:

The contest will run for one week starting July 1, 2010 and finishing at midnight on July 8, 2010 Eastern US Time. (view the end time in your timezone)***

For anybody confused, those are the midnights between 30th June / 1st July, and between 7th July / 8th July.

The Theme:

The theme is Indie Game Demake!

Definition: An already released indie game (of your choice) that, instead of being remade and improved, is demade and simplified so as to seem like the version that would have been released at some point in time before the original game.
To help better explain this theme, you may find it useful to check out TIGSource's Bootleg Demake compo that they ran a while ago. Although they allowed demakes of commercial games like the Mario series, which we're not doing here, it should help to give you all an idea of what you can do with a demake, and that it really doesn't limit your creativity, or the originality of your resulting game.

The Prize:

Three winners will be picked. All three will be featured on the front page of the site. The first place winner will win a free single game of their choosing from Steam (no packs), and also choose from one of KniteBlargh's Game Jolt T-shirt designs (see here)! All contestants will also receive a "Generally Good Time" -- courtesy of Game Jolt.

The Rules:

  • Your entry must not be a demake of one of your own games, but a demake of an indie game made by someone else.

  • Your entry must be an original game created just for this contest.

  • Your entry must relate to the chosen theme. It must be a demake of an actual, real indie game.

  • Collaborations are fine. Go for it with someone else! We like team work!

  • Multiple games can be submitted. (You can not place more than once, though. If you get first place with one game, you won't get second or third with another)

  • There are no restrictions on creation tools, libraries, file sizes or anything like that. We like diversity. Make it in Flash, make it in Construct, code it up from scratch yourself, we don't care.

  • Pre-existing game engines are acceptable.

  • You're encouraged to place the contest poster in your game, although it's definitely not a requirement.


For those of you that are in the achievements closed beta, please feel free to add trophies to your contest entries, but be aware that doing so will not affect the judging process, because not everyone is able to enjoy acquiring trophies at this time.

How to Enter:

To enter your game into the contest, you must upload the game to the main site. After doing that, reply to this forum post with the URL to your game and a URL to the game that you demade.


These are the people that will be judging the contest. Feel free to bribe them.

In Closing:

We'd love some help in spreading the news. If you frequent any forums, or know of/own any blogs, it'd be great if you posted news about the contest. This site will only get bigger with support from YOU. If you've posted it in your blog or in a forum, or know of any site that has, you may post the URL to the site in this thread:


lokijki: Unnamed Lugaru Demake
*Backstabbing Bunny Award
NessXX: Retro Bonetown
lolimp Award

*Nikc-Nack: madnessMADNESSmadness Demake
*"Don't look back!" Award

InnerMindGames: PerfectWord
*Best Text Editor Award

krisl01: Tes SSOB
Space Horseshoe Award

JPcoolMan: INNOQUOUS 3 - De-make
The Earth Doesn't Spin Award

Toadfrogs: Glitchy Escape
*Panic & Twirl Award

Matthew Jenkins: Plants vs Zombies Retro
*No Rest For Farmers Award

Ariel Coppes: Dassault - Game Jolt Demake Contest - Droid Assault Demake
*Life As The Hunted Award

Exartech: Frizzd - A Frozzd Demake
*Cutesicle Award

  • rotten_tater: Hold Off Brownish-Yellow
    *"The world would be a beautiful and happy place if everything were Brownish-Yellow." Award

  • FakeTruth: MineCraft2D
    *Stilt-Legged Explorer Award

  • MelonYoshi: Innoquous .5
    *Innoqulously Innoqulous Award

  • BoonTheMoon: Minicraft
    *Most Relaxing Minecraft Demake Award

  • Kanosis: Miniscule
    *"He jumped out the window in search of Above the Sky." Award

  • LizardKingYG: Ultimate Escape!
    *Wobble Wobble Shake Award

  • Phaze: Tower Demake
    *Follow My Lead And Die Award

  • KniteBlargh: Broth ver 0.45
    *KniteBlargh Is A Weirdo Award

  • Grainofsalt: Crimsonland 0.5
    *Think Fast Act Faster Award

  • Snail: N
    *Spastic Wall Jumper Award

  • Link3000: RAGNAROK
    *"This must be what it feels like to be stung by a hundred hornets at once." Award

  • QOG: Splunko
    *"Thar be spikes undar them thar gold!" Award

Page 1 of 263 replies.

about 14 years ago

AWESOME! Why the low res cave-story pic?

about 14 years ago

Let's see... it could be:

Cave theme

Story theme

Indie remake theme

Demake theme

Small-Resolution Theme


about 14 years ago

@Link3000 : It's a hint at the contest theme it seems; here's a quote from the e-mail that was sent out about the contest:

*"*We could just leave you hanging and waiting for the starting date to discover the details of our new competition, but that would be more than a little dull, so we're going to leave you with a teaser poster to gawk at that hints at the contest theme."

Sounds like a good time. I wish I could join, but I probably shouldn't, since I'm already working on two other projects and working full-time.. :O

Last modified on June 28, 2010 by Josh Forde @Josh1billion

about 14 years ago

@Josh - I know; that's what's bugging me. The theme hidden in the pictu.. wait... Guys, I think the theme is 'posters'.

about 14 years ago

7 days? 'Scuse me, that might be fine for you prodigal coders, but for incompetent apes like myself I won't even have the engine down pat in 7 days (unless I steal Brod's... Again).

That said, count me in ;D

about 14 years ago

Bah! 7 days is plenty of time.

EDIT: Maybe. Just saying that it's enough time may have jinxed it.

Last modified on June 28, 2010 by Link3000 @Link3000

about 14 years ago

The theme must be red hats. Pretty obvious. T_T

Last modified on June 28, 2010 by KACWGG @3HRA9X

about 14 years ago

That's a sign showing that there is a save point in the room the door is attached to.



Last modified on June 28, 2010 by Link3000 @Link3000

about 14 years ago

My best guess is 'Darkness'.

Definitely entering this time; Hopefully I get my game finished in time for the deadline though.

about 14 years ago

Darn... I'm going on an important trip for the entire last half so if I entered I'd only have 4 days...

about 14 years ago

I'm gonna enter. I'm getting pumped!


Well, I think I will be going to bed early these next few days to refresh my brain... I'm gonna need to work all night on my entry (7 days of course). I think the theme will have something to do with cake... I don't know...


#emotions_dlg.tongue}" title="{#emotions_dlg.tongue}" />

about 14 years ago

Im all in! Lol i remember last time the poster made people guess the theme and everyone was SO off. Lololololool xD heheh

about 14 years ago

I figured out the theme: money.

about 14 years ago

Zack - Awesome. That's got to be it.

about 14 years ago



edit: oh, by the way, my guess is metroidvania or platformmer.

Last modified on June 29, 2010 by Potato Interactive @rotten_tater

about 14 years ago

Why metroidvania?

about 14 years ago

Well, cave story isn't a castlevania game that's similiar to metroid, so it can't be metroidvania...

Adventure platform contest, perhaps?

about 14 years ago

I'm trying to do my best in the TIGSource compo, and you go and announce this? Thanks a lot!


#emotions_dlg.tongue}" title="{#emotions_dlg.tongue}" />

But how can I resist? Ooooh, I hope the theme is demakes! Or "very low resolution"!

about 14 years ago

Well, knowing that a lot of people think cave story is the best indie game ever, it might be "Make the best indiegame ever" contest...

Man this is gonna be hard! (I bet no one will win)

about 14 years ago

hrgh, that,s screenshot, I once tried to make cave story at that resolution as a joke.

about 14 years ago

I might just enter this. Haven't participated in a good competition for ages. I'm just afraid I'll run out of time ;_;

But then again, everyone else has the same amount of time as I have, so yea. :P

That said, if an idea comes at me soon enough, you can add 1 to the number of entries.

about 14 years ago

The theme is clearly hats.


I don't know if I'll enter anything but I know it will be a great competition as always at Game Jolt!

about 14 years ago

Stop trying to guess the theme and be a good jolter!


Get the word out folks. ;D

about 14 years ago

lol zack!

Can't wait. I am 100% in! :D

about 14 years ago

New contest! New contest! does a dance

I'll be doing my best to enter in this one since I've missed out on the previous two.

Last modified on June 29, 2010 by TheSpydog @TheSpydog

about 14 years ago

One week? Sound like my kind of contest.

about 14 years ago

Me too but it will be really tough with my schedule... well maybe not... we'll see I think I will only have about 4 days to work on it.

about 14 years ago

I most likely will not be able to enter considering the contest is running right when I have summer finals.

about 14 years ago



That would be fun.

about 14 years ago

If the theme is parody, I have a great idea. :P